Carlos José holds a master’s and bachelor’s degrees in business administration with a focus on Finance from St. Thomas University and holds certifications in Hotel Real Estate Investments and Asset Management as well as Hospitality Management from Cornell University. He has 22 years of experience in Real Estate Development with emphasis on the financial and management areas. Carlos José has been previously involved in over 400 real estate transactions including acquisitions and dispositions, has structured the financial component and obtained loans for all our Hotel Developments and Acquisitions as well as our Riviera Point Corporate Center Office Building.
His experience in Real Estate Development and Finance ranges from residential properties to commercial properties with primary focus in hotels. Its trajectory allows him to analyze an investment according to its type, whether residential, commercial, or mixed use. Carlos José has been part of the company since 2015heading the Finance and Assets Management Department with the responsibility of evaluating, structuring, and ensuring new development opportunities that are in line with the mission and vision of Riviera Point Invest & Develop; during this tenure, our hotel TRYP Orlando was awarded Hotel of the Year by Wyndham in 2020.He is currently our Executive Vice President directing the Capital Strategy focused on asset disposition and recapitalization.
CliftonStrengthsFinder® Top Five Strengths: Achiever, Ideation, Belief, Connectedness, Restorative.